Monday, August 11, 2008

top factors in goal achievement

If there is one question - or comment, actually, I get from people who have yet to start changing their thought and belief patterns is that many of them set goals... lots of goals. Big goals.
1- Identify the thing you want or what you want to achieve and write it down.
2- Write down all the reasons you want it, emotionally,spiritually, etc. What will achieving it give you, how will you feel? This is for motivation.
3- Know your obstacles and challenges. Write down your limitations that might stop you.
4- Find out what you'll need to know/learn and find outwhere to get the help and who can help you... get theadvice, ask for help.
5- Put a deadline on when you want and expect to achieve the goal.
6- Create your plan... all the things that will need to be done to reach the goal.
7- Imagine yourself already having achieved the goal.
8- Keep going. Stick with it. Don't give up.

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