Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time and priorities.

The one thing that means as much or more to each of us than anything else is what we do with our time.
Because if you know the activities that will get you where you want to go, if you commit to doing them and if you move quickly from one task to another with no jerking around in between, you'll get more done faster and better... and your attention to this detail will magically transport you to achieving all your goals and biggest dreams.

No matter how big they are. Now the most important thing on big projects, of course, is having a great team of people.

That's key.

And you have to trust your teammates. But you have to take care of your own responsibilities, too.
Too many "managers" delegate everything and when things go wrong, they blame everyone else.

...There are no doubts, no fears, no worries, no lack of commitment... no misconceptions about what is required. Empowering core-level thoughts beliefs and emotions all in sync all pointing toward the achievement of one huge outcome.

And that's the way it is for anyone who ever achieve any big, meaningful objectives.
-> Motivated -- knowing and staying connected to the your purpose.

-> Organized -- planning at the beginning, middle and end so that nothing falls through the cracks at any stage (a chain is only as strong as its weakest moral fibre link).

-> Ready to act just -- doing what needs to be done no matter what.

-> Able to manage and balance all the forces of life and of arranging yours and other people's schedule so that you can get all the big and little things done on schedule.

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